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The 2016 HAUC(UK) Convention

As most of you will know, earlier this year the HAUC(UK) Convention took place and was something of a departure from previous years. It was very much a convention rather than a conference with less in the way of speeches and a focus on a new style of small groups sharing learning in roundtables.

The roundtables were:

Notices & Coordination

The feedback, which you can read for yourself on the Aldercross Website has been very positive. Headline figures from the feedback are that:

96% of attendees were very comfortable with the new format
94% thought the information presented at the event was useful
88% thought there were about the right number of plenary session presentations
81% thought there were about the right number of delegates in the discussion groups
74% would prefer a slightly longer discussion sessions
89% would attend a future event at the same venue

Speaking as someone who was a facilitator at a couple of sessions, I would hesitate to suggest that 15 minutes was pretty much right for the round table sessions, better to be short and sweet allowing people to get to more groups than overstaying their welcome from my point of view.

We had 265 registered to attend, but I sincerely hope the positive word of month from the event will encourage more in 2017. It was genuinely a packed session that I came away from more enthusiastic at the end of the day than I was at the start, and how often can you say that!

The sponsors who made the event possible should also not be forgotten:

Elgin, Bentley, GeoPlace, Kier, Network Rail, Wales & West Utilities along with suport from SWHAUC & WMHAUC.

As always, and this point was made on the day, we need people who would like to be involved to drop us a line. Do you fancy hosting a round table session or being a scribe? Do you have a great idea not covered in the feedback on the Aldercross site? Get in touch at [email protected]

By Paul Chandler

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